Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Well the Fly Lady has been at work. My house is cleaner. Smells nicer too. And I am on patrol for the lazy bums who live here and can't pick up after themselves!!!!

I have put in lots of applications... My wonderful friends have helped me make my resume!!! To which I can't thank them enough.

Unemployment Insurance is fun....hurry, hurry, hurry.....wait, wait, wait...enough said!!!

Spoke at church on Sunday. Really enjoy doing that with Ellen. I love learning about the Word and teaching the Word. Oh did I mention before, I'm a Lay Speaker at church. All that really means is when the Pastor is unavailable I get asked to speak and most of the congregation takes the day off. No i'm not being funny, it's what happens. But it doesn't matter because as I said I love to teach the Word.

I am also a Girl Scout leader. Have been for years. Love to camp and canoe and the whole outdoorsy stuff.
Enjoy my troop and their parents.

Just saw that another family owned and operated business is closing their doors. I am not a very political person but something must stop. We need real change in our government. they have lost sight of what the American people need to just survive.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Fly Lady

Last night I was complaining about not knowing where to start to clean my house. There are hundreds of things to do and I was having trouble just getting off my butt and away from the computer. Well in walks The Fly Lady!!!  http://flylady.net/  This website is going to help me stay motivated to clean and organize my home....hummm we'll see. No honestly I want to try, it's just my motivation thingy is sometimes in the shop. I did start. I cleaned my sink and signed up for her email, it's a beginning.

Took a break from sending off applications today, yesterday was very depressing. I needed a pick me up today. (See above)

See ya tomorrow

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The New Adventure Starts

Crazy how not going to work can be such hard work. Midway through my second week of unemployment. Searching the internet for a job two or three times a day. Someone said check here or check there... Resume done. Applications submitted....hurry... hurry... wait... wait...
I know what. I will work around the house until that call comes in. But where do i start? And do I really want to do this.
Have to tell you about a conversation with a church member. She came up to me and told me she had heard I was unemployed, I told her yes I was but I would be okay, God had a plan for me and I just had to find out what it was. She told me"that was all good and well but God wasn't going to find me a job". Talk about supportive!!! You got to love these old woman.
Looking for little ways to save money. Need to cut down on grocery costs. Cable costs. Electric...and so on. Thank your God that my husbands job is secure. And at least this will give us more time together. Oh well time to get off the pity train and get to work! So where do I start?